It’s been proven that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air—take control and improve your indoor air quality with an installation from our team. Our experienced technicians can assess your air quality and recommend and install products like air ventilators, humidifiers, and air purifiers to give your family’s respiratory health a boost. You might be surprised by how much better you feel with a single installation by our technicians.
Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers Balance Indoor Moisture
Adding a humidifier or dehumidifier to your home is a great way to improve your comfort and save you money on utility bills.
Save Money:
A properly humidified home allows you to feel comfortable with your thermostat set to a lower temperature during the winter, and a higher temperature during the summer. These slight thermostat adjustments use less energy, and in turn, save you money on utility bills.
Be Comfortable:
Bryant® humidifiers help you add moisture to the air, keeping static, sore throats, and dry skin at bay. Additionally, humidifiers and dehumidifiers can positively affect your health. Adding these systems to your home can help you avoid dry and patchy skin, prevent nosebleeds, enhance sleep quality, and even prevent germs and illnesses from spreading. Bacteria and germs thrive in dry, cold settings—humidifiers moisturize the air, limiting the spread of colds and flus.
Whole-House Air Purification Systems Purify Indoor Air
Whole-home air purifiers and filters treat 100% of the air flowing through your system before it circulates, to remove bacteria, viruses, pollen and mold from the air. These systems are installed as a component of your heating and cooling system. They are designed to capture and kill airborne contaminants such as dirt and dust that can circulate throughout your home. Whole-house air purification systems can be nearly 99.9 percent effective in completely removing most irritants. These systems are especially important for homes with individuals who suffer from allergies or asthma or where someone smokes, because irritants get trapped indoors.
UV Lights
UV lamps are a simple addition to your home comfort system that is designed to help eliminate molds, bacteria, viruses and other irritants that can be circulated into your air. UV lights are easy to install and kill bacteria and mold spores that grow on coils which enhances indoor airflow and improves your system’s efficiency. Similarly, air ventilators improve your air quality by introducing fresh outdoor air into your home while expelling stale air. Air ventilators pre-condition incoming air to minimize energy loss, filter particles out of incoming air, and keep fresh air from mixing with the stale air being expelled.
Air Ventilators
Air ventilators improve your air quality by introducing fresh outdoor air into your home while expelling stale air. Air ventilators pre-condition incoming air to minimize energy loss, filter particles out of incoming air, and keep fresh air from mixing with the stale air being expelled.
We offer 24-hour emergency service with live answering—anytime you experience a breakdown, we’re there with you. You can reach us at 507-831-0236